Monday, May 16, 2011

tall paper tower story

During last Friday we made a tall tower out of paper. We worked in 4 groups to build a paper tower. In my group we had Kane, Lorenzo Carlos and me. We all came up with ideas for how to make the tallest paper tower. We only had 8 pieces of paper, 1 glue stick, a meter of tape and scissors. We were trying to make a strong shape to hold the tall tower. We found the right shape to make it strong, it was the triangle. Mr S gave us some hints, he said if you roll the paper small it will be tough and if you bend the paper it will not be strong. The boys was sorting out the gears and then Lorenzo and I started to build the tower. First we made a tripod as the base. To make our tower tall rolled the paper into a long stick. It couldn't stand on it's own so we made a other tripod to support it. Then Carlos asked if his team could join ours to make a bigger, better, stronger and faster tower-building team. Our tower was standing up for about 20 second before it fell down. But it was to late to improve it. We tried to make it stand up again but it just fell down. Andrea's team won.

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

Wow Jesiah was that a fun and also freaky time as well because you might think that it will fall???And another question,did you feel quite nervous???You should work more on your proof reading.Instead of that keep up the great work