Friday, July 20, 2012


The olympics rings “what does it means?”  I was searching online and I found some information. Heres what I found, It represent each different flag colours from around the world. Also it represent each continent.” Can you take look at this rings it goes over, under, over and under, It connects just like the real world.

This amazing olympics rings was made in 1913 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. It symbols the IOC.(International olympics committee) It was similar to ancient Greece.

WOW! the olympics is at London in England. If I was to visit, I will go to many places like the Big Ben and Tower Bridge. These area are very iconic. The tower took many decades to built it. London is one of the best places in the world.


Melvin said...

Hi Jesiah

I like your facts about the olypic rings but I wish there was a purple one and I love London too.

Keep up the good work.

Kingston said...

Hey Jesiah,
What a good blog post about the Olympic rings. If only there was an Purple one then that would be cool.
Keep the good work up.
