Friday, November 4, 2011

meeting a ailens

It was 2200 of march and the world end. But lucky I was an arstnuots and I had my own rocket too. The next day I started too prepare my stuff and pack my bags. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Go I went fast like an jet. It had smoke and fire coming out. I got through the earth surface and up to space. I saw a huge planet it had wide rings it was saturn. I went around the planet there was holes. I landed and there was craters it had ailens. They were playing and having fun. I came, fell through these craters. Only one ailen talk english. He told me about the planet but one thing I really won't to know was how come theres a ring around your planet but others and what is made of?The ring are made almost entirely of water ice, with some of the dust and other chemicals. Saturn is 2nd biggest planet in the solar system and lightest planet too.Finally I found a wonderful place to live forever.  I been happy forever


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